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IFS Service Desk
Offers a single gateway to all the ERP requirements making the process easier and simplified.
IFS Consulting Services
Offer an array of consulting services; Pre-study, project execution, end-to end implementation of IFS Applications, and upgrade of newer versions.
IFS Managed Services
Hosting and maintenance of IFS Applications on cloud/on-premise, complete installation & operational support on IFS Applications, Middleware and Oracle Database.
IFS Development Services
We undertake modifications, customizations, upgrade to newer versions and new development of IFS Applications and development of Reports.
IFS Value-Added Solution
Offers customized ERP solutions that complement existing IFS modules and enhances their functionalities.
Field Service Management
IFS Field Service Management offers the most complete service lifecycle management solution.
[bunch_grow_your_business_3 _id="746809" editor="PHAgc3R5bGU9ImZvbnQtZmFtaWx5OiBQb3BwaW5zLCBzYW5zLXNlcmlmOyBsaW5lLWhlaWdodDogMS41ZW07IGZvbnQtc2l6ZTogMzZweDsiPldlIGhlbHAgeW91IHRvIGdyb3cgeW91ciBidXNpbmVzcyBleHBvbmVudGlhbGx5PC9wPg0KPHNwYW4gZGF0YS1tY2UtdHlwZT0iYm9va21hcmsiIHN0eWxlPSJkaXNwbGF5OiBpbmxpbmUtYmxvY2s7IHdpZHRoOiAwcHg7IG92ZXJmbG93OiBoaWRkZW47IGxpbmUtaGVpZ2h0OiAwOyIgY2xhc3M9Im1jZV9TRUxSRVNfc3RhcnQiPu+7vzwvc3Bhbj4=" text="RW52ZWNvbuKAmXMgMjR4NyBJRlMgU2VydmljZSBEZXNrIG9mZmVycyBhIHNpbmdsZSBnYXRld2F5IHRvIGFsbCB0aGUgSUZTIHJlcXVpcmVtZW50cyBtYWtpbmcgdGhlIHByb2Nlc3MgZWFzaWVyIGFuZCBzaW1wbGlmaWVkIGZvciB0aGUgY3VzdG9tZXIuICBDdXN0b21lciBleHBlcmllbmNlcyB3b3JyeSBmcmVlLCB0cm91YmxlIGZyZWUgb25lIHN0b3Agc2hvcCBmb3IgYWxsIHN1cHBvcnQgcmVxdWlyZW1lbnRzLiA=" g_title="At a Glimpse" business_growth="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"]

Our Support Services Include:

24/7 L1, L2 and extended L3 support for IFS
IFS service and database monitoring and health checkup for both on-premise and Azure instances
Zippy, a powerful service desk tool for tracking, prioritizing, and solving customer support tickets
Preventive maintenance
Dedicated resources working for customers with onsite and offshore model
Report layout modification and development

IFS Consulting Services

Envecon, as trusted partners of IFS provides a wide array of consulting services which includes pre-study of business requirements, project execution, end-to-end implementation of IFS Applications including development requirements, and upgrade of newer versions.  Envecon has experience in IFS ERP implementation across various verticals which include – Ports & Terminals, Aerospace & Defense, Energy & Utilities, Manufacturing, EPCI, Service Management including FSM and other asset-intensive industries.

End-to-end implementation of IFS Application
Customization of IFS Applications
Upgrade of IFS Applications to new versions
Application Management, Master Data Management (MDM)
Technology Management: Recommend technology aligned with existing IT infrastructure, performance criteria and budget.
24x7 Post Go Live Support: IFS Service and Database Monitoring & Preventive Maintenance

IFS Management Services

At Envecon, we undertake hosting and maintenance of IFS Applications on cloud /on-premise and provide end-to-end installation and operational support on IFS Applications, Middleware and Oracle Database. This enables customers to focus on their business and stay “worry free” in respect of the availability of IT Applications and its maintenance requirements.

Hosting and Maintenance of IFS Application on cloud/on premise
End-to-end installation and operational support of IFS Application, Middleware and Database Management
24x7 Application Monitoring and Preventive Maintenance for IFS Application
Infrastructure Monitoring and Management
Escalation Management
Testing Services, Performance Monitoring

IFS Development Services

Envecon provides end-to-end services in meeting customer specific requirements not met in the core product through development of new functionalities, modifications required by the customer, customizations of IFS Applications, code management to facilitate upgrade to latest versions of IFS Applications. We also, support in the development of all kinds of reports including Report Designer, Crystal Reports, MIS, Lobbies and Business Intelligence Dashboards.

Business Analysis, Functional & Technical Specifications
Customization of IFS Applications
Development of Reports within IFS Applications or through external tools
Code Management for Customers using Harvest
Upgrade of IFS Applications to new versions
Mobile Development of IFS Applications

IFS Value Added Solutions

Envecon offers value-added products to facilitate easier & better ERP implementation, fills gaps in functionality in standard IFS ERP and thus complements existing IFS Applications. Envecon’s value-added products, are totally integrated to IFS Applications and works seamlessly with IFS Functionalities.

Master data management in IFS (MDM)
Master Data Management (MDM) in IFS enables efficient management of master data, provides data integrity to connect IFS Applications to other applications for better decision making and process execution.
Equipment maintenance and repair in IFS (EMR)
Equipment Maintenance and Repair (EMR) in IFS simplifies the maintenance management process for third party equipment repair, improves internal effectiveness and increases satisfaction of equipment customers.
Tender management system in IFS (e-Tender)
Tender Management System (E- Tender) solution enhances the IFS Request for Quotation (RFQ) functionality and enables paperless tender management process that seamlessly integrates with the current system.
Business intelligence
Business Intelligence solutions (Enabler) with IFS provides self-service data visualization and dashboards, reports, predictive analytics, etc. help organizations to improve performance and execute strategy.
Accounts payable automation in IFS (APA)
Simplify and automate your account payable and supplier invoicing process in IFS through our Accounts Payable Automation (APA). AP automation streamlines invoice processing, approvals workflow, and payment processes of the ...
Revenue management solution (Enabill)
An industry agnostic event-based billing & management solution with IFS simplifies and manages complex billing/revenue systems and ensures better control of the revenue flow.

Field Service Management

IFS Field Service Management offers the most complete service lifecycle management solution. Recent enhancements and embedded IoT capabilities make it a best-in-class solution that offers the most complete, connected field service on the market. We help organizations to maximize operational efficiency, increase revenue, reduce costs and improve customer satisfaction.

Customer outcomes with our FSM implementation includes:

  • • 20% increase in equipment uptime
  • • 33% improvement in technician productivity
  • • 35% reduction in drive time
  • • 81% improvement in SLA compliance
  • • 300% increase in ratio of technicians to dispatchers
Mobile field service
Enabling field engineers to locate replacement parts, raising invoices for new jobs, or providing customer quotes on site, etc.
Dynamic scheduling
Provides visibility, scheduling optimization and planning of mobile resources while maximizing service margins.
Spare parts, warranty and service contract management
From returns and warranty management to repairs and service parts, automate and decrease costs, improve service performance with IFS solutions.
Service contract management
Create, execute, revise, monitor and administer service contracts from initial quoting & pricing, to automatic renewal and billing.
Reverse and inventory logistics management
Optimize inventory and automate reverse logistics to increase repair business profits, enhance warranty business & decrease inventory costs
IoT solutions
Provides alerts and automates the service request creation, schedule and dispatch process and cuts time spent on manually scheduling everyday service jobs for technicians.

Why Envecon?

Envecon is an innovative global IT solutions provider company. Explicitly we are dedicated to providing industry-specific ERP business services for asset-intensive industries. We are headquartered in Denmark, with the business center in Dubai and center of excellence & offshore global support in India.

We have become the trusted and reliable partner for our customers, providing IFS services for more than 8 years.

Not limited to one sector, we believe our customized ERP solutions can be applied to essential Assets Intensive industries such as Energy & Utilities, Oil & Gas as well as Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Installation & Manufacturing. We work with you jointly to deliver the most favorable IFS solution for your organization.

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About Envecon

Envecon is an innovative global IT solutions provider company. Explicitly we are dedicated to providing industry-specific ERP business services for asset-intensive industries. We are headquartered in Denmark, with the business center in Dubai and center of excellence & offshore global support in India.

We have become the trusted and reliable partner for our customers, providing IFS services for more than 8 years.

Not limited to one sector, we believe our customized ERP solutions can be applied to essential Assets Intensive industries such as Energy & Utilities, Oil & Gas as well as Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Installation & Manufacturing. We work with you jointly to deliver the most favorable IFS solution for your organization.

About IFS

IFS develops and delivers enterprise software for customers around the world who manufacture and distribute goods, maintain assets, and manage service-focused operations. The industry expertise people as well as solutions, together with commitment to their customers, has made them not only a recognized leader but also the most recommended supplier in this sector. Team of their 3,500 employees supports more than ten thousand customers worldwide. They support from a network of local offices and through growing ecosystem of partners. For more information, visit: IFSworld.com

Visit the IFS Blog on technology, innovation and creativity: https://blog.ifsworld.com/

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Industries we cater to

  • Ports & Terminals
  • Aerospace & Defence
  • Energy & Utilities
  • Manufacturing
  • EPCI
  • Automotive
  • Oil & Gas
  • Shipping & Logistics
  • Aviation
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